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People Over Profit


Since 2008, Justine Beauregard has helped hundreds of small businesses grow by as much as 2,300%.
On each episode, she shares what she’s learning, strategies she’s using, and specific action steps you can put into practice immediately to create real results in your business.



Old school growth methods are all about chasing traffic, money, and followers...yuck.

Let’s swap that "hustle" for people-first approaches to business that feel great and actually work!

On the People Over Profit podcast, you’ll get a real behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to build a successful business that feels amazing to own, run, and grow with intention.

Everything you learn is rooted in real experience and explained in clear, simple ways you'll be excited to use right away.


Hi, I’m Justine Beauregard!

I'm an award winning sales coach + strategist with ADHD, 2 autoimmune diseases, 2 young(ish) kids, and a 6-figure business I adore!

Since 2008, I've helped more than 600 small businesses increase their income by up to 2,300% in feel-good ways!

I'm known for being clear, creative, and curious, and that's what I bring to this podcast - a collection of great questions, strategies, tips, and first-hand expertise that have been proven to get people like you results, fast.

Most of all, I love helping good people build successful businesses.


Featured episode


27 Creative Lines to Use for Sales Follow Ups

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It’s time to turn your skills into a profitable business.

Let’s work together to hit some major milestones, fast!

When you work with me, your focus shifts to your sales and business growth, which creates immediate wins.

You’ll look more closely at your numbers, be more critical of your day-to-day actions, ask better questions of yourself and others, and feel more supported to make bold moves you've been capable of all along.

These are the wins you should expected from working with an expert.
What's unexpected are the exponential returns I make sure you get from your investment. Skills I transfer to you that carry benefits for life.

The quality of resources you receive, the level of support you get, the value you take away from each call - there's nothing else like it.

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